Article by: Sean Ho Ka Wai
What is blood donation?
It is a voluntary procedure where blood is drawn from an individual and used for blood transfusions.
Types of blood donation.
Contrary to popular belief, there are two types of blood donations. The first and most common type is whole blood donation, where you donate roughly 1 pint of whole blood. This type of blood donation takes and uses all the components in your blood. This proces
s lasts for about 15 minutes.
The second type of blood donation is called apheresis. It is a unique type of blood donation where only specific blood components are taken, such as red blood cells, platelets a
nd blood plasma. As the blood is drawn, an apheresis machine separates the desired blood component and returns the unused blood components into your bloodstream. This process lasts for roughly one hour.
Risks of blood donation
process of donating blood is very safe. Sterile equipment is used on each donor, and every piece of equipment is disposed of immediately after each use. Each potential blood donor is screened
through a questionnaire against various criteria.
Donor criteria
18 - 60 years old
More than 45 kg
No illness
Not taking any medications
No alcohol in the last 24 hours
More than 5 hours of sleep
Not taken drugs int
Engaged with prostitutes
Had more than one sexual partner
Engaged with same-sex partners
Blood donation procedure
Fill out a questionnaire
Donor's blood tested to identify blood group, Rhesus factor, haemoglobin levels, and any infectious diseases
If qualified, blood donor details are registered, and a blood donation book is issued
Donate blood
Donor rests for 10 minutes
Light refreshments provided to blood donors
If a blood donor fails to meet all these criteria or the blood test, they will not be allowed to donate blood.