Article by: Liew Yu En
As I am often concerned about eating healthily and will try to reduce intake of sugar and carbohydrate, hence, I came across this passage titled “ 5 misconceptions about sugar” presented by Cheribundi. When I was doing research on it. In fact, the consumption of sugar is a hotly debated topic in Malaysia as Malaysia is the most obese country in Asia. In summary this is what the articles discusses:
Misconception 1:
“You should avoid fruits because of the sugar content.”
Although fruits do contain natural sugar, these natural sugar will break down more slowly in your body when consumed along with the other nutrients in fruit. Ergo, eating fruits and vegetables is known to have positive effects on health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and obesity. No matter how you eat fruits, as long as there are no added sugars, means fueling your body the right way.
Misconception 2:
“Artificial sweeteners are the same as naturally occurring sugars.”
Artificial sweeteners are developed to provide the sweetness of sugar without the calories but it usually doesn't contain any nutrient value. Thus, it has been controversial and consumption of these sweeteners has been linked to chronic diarrhea and disrupted metabolism. Because of that, overconsumption of added sugar or fake sweeteners can lead to chronic health problems such as muscular issues, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Choosing foods and beverages without added sweeteners of any kind is vital..
Misconception 3:
“We are better off eliminating all sugar from our diets.”
Our bodies need sugar but consuming too much sugar is not a correct way to our health and wellbeing.This is because the carbohydrates we consume will turn into glucose which can be used to produce energy for our daily life. If we were to remove sugars from our diets totally, our bodies would go into “starvation mode” which will cause headaches, fatigue, and brain fog as there is a lack of energy.
Misconception 4:
“Consuming sugar is detrimental to your fitness regimen.”
The consumption of sugar before, during, or after a workout actually is suitable and is a great way to do this. This is because some research has stated that it can help repair damaged tissue and restore our energy reserves. Besides, consuming sugar can help fuel the workout and maximize the performance.
Misconception 5:
“ Blood sugar spikes are only caused by sugar.”
But the truth is activity levels, stress, and illness can also affect blood glucose levels. Caffeine in food and skipping meals are the culprits which will lead to negative effects on blood sugar. However, surprisingly sunburn, dehydration, gum disease, smoking, and a lack of sleep may also affect blood sugar levels stable.
After reading the articles, I realize that reducing the intake of sugar or eliminating all the sugar from our diet blindly is a big mistake. From today onwards, I will control the intake of sugar and try to control it within the healthy range.