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The side effect of sleeping pills, and why you shouldn't misuse it

Article by: Josephine Ong Seen Yee

Image illustrated by NHLBI

Insomnia and restless nights are common issues within students. You who is reading this might also have similar problems and are contemplating using a sleeping drug. While they can temporarily alleviate your sleep troubles, it's critical that you understand all there is to know about sleeping medications before actually taking them. This article aims to shed light on the side effects and complications caused by sleeping pills including being aware of the negative consequences.

Sleeping pills, image illustrated by Flipkart

Some of the common side effects include: changes in appetite, diarrhea or constipation, daytime drowsiness, gas, dry throat and mouth… you get the point- the list goes on! 

Sleep walking, image illustrated by Mattress Next Day

Some of the more serious cases also include issues like uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body, problems with attention or memory, slowness of thought, parasomnia (sleep walking) etc. These could really affect your lifestyle negatively, as well as your education and therefore your future– how would you write, or listen in class if these side effects occurred? Sleeping pills are only a temporary solution and not worth the risk to be used in the long term.

Image illustrated by Beauty Rest Sleep Gallery

Instead of depending on pills, why not try out different methods, like putting down all electrical devices an hour before bed, or drinking herbal tea!

Herbal Tea, Image illustrated by Wix Media

If needed, you can always also find counsellors or psychologists to ask for advice– they can give you personalised and unique ways to help specifically for your case, and, if they deem necessary, prescribe you the sleeping pills and give proper instructions on how to take them! 

I'm not saying you can't use sleeping pills at all– but consider using it only when needed. Health (both physical and mental) should always be your highest priority. Taking a break when needed, talking to loved ones about things that are bothering you, making new friends, joining clubs and having fun once in a while could really help to alleviate stress! 

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